Last month I gave a talk at Brading Roman Villa, on the Isle of Wight, about the shady history of smuggling and wrecking. The Island, with its rugged coastline and proximity to mainland Europe, has a long and colourful history of smuggling, especially during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Its hidden coves, secret tunnels, and remote beaches made it an ideal location for smugglers and wreckers to receive and pass on illicit merchandise, avoiding the watchful gaze of the customs officers.
My talk explored how, at a time when heavy taxes on goods such as alcohol, tea, and tobacco drove illegal trade, smuggling became a way of life for many Islanders from fishermen to local innkeepers. It revealed how entire communities were often complicit, with many turning a blind eye or even aiding in the concealment of contraband, which left a lasting legacy on the Isle of Wight.

The talk was oversubscribed, and I am delighted to say that the Villa is repeating the event for anyone who was unable to get a ticket last time! The new date is Saturday 17 May at 14:00, and you can find out more information here.