I’m very fortunate to live very close to where the Isle of Wight Literary Festival takes place every October, and this year I was delighted to take part for the second time – last year I interviewed the fabulous Elly Griffiths and chaired a crime panel. The festival lasts for four days over the first weekend of the month, and this time I participated in a panel on the Friday evening called, ‘From Inspiration to Publication’, alongside three other local authors, Katie Daysh, Anna Britton and Sarah Lawton, chaired by Paul Armfield from Medina Book Shop, which is also in Cowes.
We had a wonderful evening chatting about our work: what inspires us, how to like to write, how we managed to get published, and the challenges of being a writer. As the others are fiction writers, it was very interesting to compare our modus operandi! It was a very friendly atmosphere and the audience asked lots of questions.
It was a great festival and I hope to take part again next year!